Business Planning Support 

Are you struggling to manage your company on your own?

Are you thinking about management issues such as “sales are not growing at all,” “we seem to be running short of funds,” “training of senior management is not going well,” or “employees are not working proactively? 

 Have you changed anything by continuing to think about them? Have your sales changed? Have your employees changed? 

 If you are still unable to find a solution, it is because the CEO is working alone. If all employees do not have an awareness of the issues the company is facing, they will simply do their jobs. 

Management problems are “human” problems. 

Do all employees have a clear understanding of the company’s goals and challenges? 

 Does each employee think about “what he/she should do” toward the goals and challenges and act accordingly? 

 There are two types of companies: those that can be called “organizations” and those that are nothing more than “crowds”. The difference between the two is whether or not all employees understand the management goals set by the CEO, and whether or not each employee thinks about “what he or she should do” toward those goals and acts accordingly. 

 Company performance is a collection of results produced by the actions of individual employees. And each employee’s actions are influenced by his or her awareness of work and the breadth of his or her vision. In other words, without improving the minds of the people who make up this “awareness and vision,” it will not be possible to achieve continuous good business performance. 

From “I have to” to “I want to” 

Are your employees setting their own goals and working toward them? 

 In order to change the mindset of employees and broaden their horizons, it is necessary to connect “the company’s philosophy and direction” with “each employee’s life goals” and have them work with a sense of mission. 

To do this, the CEO must clearly define the company’s direction, management goals, and philosophy, and communicate them to employees. In addition, the CEO must not only communicate but also think about the management of the company together with the employees and ask “Why did you choose to work for this company? At the same time, it is necessary to create opportunities for employees to understand the company’s goals and to think about what they should do. 

You must set the direction in which the company is headed, and all employees must work together to move forward. 

 Haphazard “guts” management will not lead to growth of the company, nor will it lead to growth of employees. It is difficult to develop employees with broad perspectives, the ability to “notice,” and high human skills if they simply do their jobs without an awareness of the issues. 

By communicating the meaning and goals of work and understanding why they are doing this work, employees will do more than the work they are given. 

 That is why it is important for the CEO to involve employees in the creation of the business plan and have each one of them think about “management” with awareness, rather than thinking about management alone. 

 However, each person has a completely different level of understanding.  In order for everyone to move in the same direction, it is also necessary for all employees to aim for the same understanding. 

 And by continuing to think every day about what we should do to achieve our goals, we will gradually develop the ability to think and acquire the habit of always thinking. 

 It may take time. But continuing to do so without giving up is the path you must take to become an “organization”. Let’s ask yourselves “What are goals for?” and “Why do we have goals and philosophy?” Let’s help our employees understand the current state of management and the future we are aiming for, and let’s change their mindset to “achieve the company’s goals”. 

If you are a manager, clarify your “spirit”. 

The core of sustainable management through company management is the “spirit of management”. 

 The spirit of management refers to the strong will and desire of the manager to create the kind of society and company he or she wants to create, regardless of the time and place. 

 Why is it important to have spirit? 

The spirit is a person’s mind. The mind cannot be touched, because the mind is not a material thing. If it is not material, it can be changed in any way, it can be big or small, it can fly near or far. And the spirit is not affected by material things and can continue to exist in the mind of the manager. 

 If this spirit is not clear, it will be unclear why the company wants to continue to operate and why it wants to grow. If the company continues to operate without a clear reason for exsistance, it will simply pursue sales. If you only pursue sales, you will eventually lose sight of the main axis of your company’s management, sales will stagnate or decline, and you will not know what to do. 

 That is why it is necessary for the development and growth of a company to have a clear “management spirit” that will not waver in any era, and to create the main axis of company management. 

 By managing a company based on the “founder’s spirit” rather than on profits and sales, a company can grow to be a company that can face any difficulties. 

Employees see you continue with your business plan 

This is a story about when we supported a company in the service industry to create a business plan. 

 At the time, the company was a subcontractor that only received work from its main contractor. The company’s CEO, Mr. H, asked us for advice on how to deal with the current situation, so we provided support for the development of a business plan. 

 Just because you create a business plan does not mean that you will see immediate results. Things just don’t go according to plan. It is very important to find out the reasons why things are not going well, rather than giving up and saying that there is no point in trying any more. Then, we make a plan, take measures, and put them into action to prevent failure the next time. If it doesn’t work again, we look for the cause. 

 Through repeated failures and exploration in this way, the sensitivity and intuition of the CEO and executives in making management decisions are gradually refined.  Acquiring this sensitivity and intuition will be taken more than three years. 

 CEO H was a person who maintained a strong will to change the company, so he did not give up, but continued to create a business plan every year and to think about “management” together with his employees. After years and years of repeated failures and successes, the employees’ awareness gradually began to change and they became more and more energetic. As the employees grew, so did sales. As a result, the company was able to break away from being a subcontractor and develop into a 100% prime contractor. 

 Currently, the company’s annual sales are 1.5 billion yen. There is only one reason why they were able to increase sales. They continued to implement the business plan until results were achieved. 

 Many companies stop working on their business plans before they see results. It is not easy to continue something that does not come to results. It is hard and painful. 

 However, it is necessary to change the negative mindset of the CEO himself for the sake of company development. 

 Employees who see the CEO continuing with the business plan with a positive attitude and growing, even without results, will naturally learn from him. 

 If the CEO changes, the company will also change. If the CEO is energetic, employees will be energetic as well. When employees are motivated, business performance will improve. 

From the development of the business plan, we help you to keep it on track. 

MACK Consultants Group supports the formulation of each company’s unique business plan over a period of 2 to 4 months prior to the fiscal year end month, and holds executive management meetings. The executive meeting is a meeting held once a month with the CEO, senior management, and our staff who supports the development of the business plan. At that meeting, we evaluate the progress of the plan as well as changes in the employees’ ability to take action. 

 Through a series of efforts to formulate and implement the business plan, we establish employee autonomy, integrate the goals of the company and employees, and lead the way to the realization of integrated organizational strength. 

Business Planning Menu 

No.Menu Name
1Founder’s Spirit 
2Management Philosophy
3Management Policy
4Management Creed
5Management Vision
6Basic Management Goals
7Mid-term Plan (3-5 year profit plan) 
8Long-term Dream
9Organization Chart
10Personnel Assignment 
11Profit Plan
12Policies by Department
13Priority Policies by Department 
15Action Plan
16Organizational Diagnosis
17Action Capability Diagnosis
18Business Plan Review



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